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Cervical Smears

The NHS cervical screening programme invites women from age 25 to 64 for cervical screening.
We advise all women aged 25 to 49 years to have a smear test every 3 years.
Women between 50 and 65 we advise a smear every 5 years.The practice nurse takes routine smears and these can be booked with the practice nurse during routine surgeries.

The National Screening Programme have a computerised recall system and all patients eligible will receive regular reminders/invitations to attend for cervical smears.

If you have been invited for screening, or have been for screening and have any questions about the result, you should contact the name and address shown on your invitation letter or result letter.
If you are worried about a specific problem, or otherwise worried about the risks of cancer, then you should talk to your GP.

Date published: 24th July, 2023
Date last updated: 24th July, 2023