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Transgender Awareness Week

How to Celebrate Transgender Awareness Week – Monday 13th November
Take a look at some of these options to observe Transgender Awareness Week, and also consider some others ways it might be possible to provide support for those who live with challenges related to their gender identity:
Treat People with Dignity and Kindness
No matter how a person lives or identifies, all human beings have inherent value that deserves to be respected and treated well. One of the most important parts of Transgender Awareness Week is raising the standard for how all people are treated – with equal rights, access and privileges. During this week, consider some of the issues that are faced by transgender people, including harassment, discrimination and hate crimes, then speak out against it in private conversations or within the larger community.
Take Care with Pronouns
One simple way to offer people respect during Transgender Awareness Week and always, might be to clarify which pronouns they prefer to use and remember to implement those. For those that are unclear, pronouns can often be found on social media profiles. If it’s a person you’ve just met in real life, be attentive to how they refer to themselves and then follow their lead. Or, if it’s a close friend who is in transition and you aren’t sure what they want, be respectful and honor them by asking.
Take a look at some of these options to observe Transgender Awareness Week, and also consider some others ways it might be possible to provide support for those who live with challenges related to their gender identity.